7 Tips for Creating a Homework Station for Your Child with ADHD + Printable Homeschool Schedules
By now, we’ve had a few weeks to get used to working and schooling at home. There’s no denying that this has been a big change for families — adults and children alike. Here at Next Step 4 ADHD, we want to help you continue to thrive. Children with ADHD may have unique struggles during school, but creating a homework station can help set the stage for success.
In this post, we’ll cover:
- 7 tips for creating the ultimate homework station
- Where to find your free printable homeschool schedule template packet
- How we can help you through this process
How to Create a Homework Station
Are you struggling to create a homework station that’s just right? Here are seven tips to take your homework station to the next level.
1. Involve Your Child
It’s not too late to make changes to your child’s homework station. Involve your child in the process. Ask your child where he feels like he works best. Not only can he or she help choose the location, but your child can also help decorate the area too.
Some location ideas include the dining room table, kitchen table, a desk in the den, or a lap desk set up in the living room.
2. Stock the Homework Station
A good homework station has everything your child needs to work. This includes extra pencils, erasers, and school books. Stocking the homework station prevents unnecessary interruptions. Getting up to constantly get another pencil or eraser from another room can add a lot of time to the school day and interrupt the flow of work.
3. Create Clear Break Times
Use a timer to indicate when breaks start and stop. This helps your child identify “work time” versus “break time.” In addition to using a timer to indicate the start of a break, make sure your child knows what you expect of him or her. For example, work with your child to set clear completion goals.
You might say:
- “After you complete these 20 reading comprehension questions, you may take a 10 minute break.”
- “After you read one chapter in this book, you may take a 10 minute break.”
No matter how you structure the break, make sure the goals are clear to your child.
4. Minimize Distractions
When you create a work station for your child, it’s important to remove items that are distracting to your child. This includes:
- Toys
- TV
- Access to social media (through a tablet, etc.)
- Alexa or other smart devices
5. Find Strategies that Increase Focus
Many children with ADHD may struggle to focus on their schoolwork, but there are many different strategies that can help boost focus. This includes:
- White noise machines (to drown out noises around the house)
- Music (with or without words)
- Fidget toys or fidget strings
Not all children respond the same way. Some children may love the music while others may not. Try a few strategies and discover what works for your child.
6. Experiment with Movement
Does your child like to stand or even walk around while studying? Some children thrive with a little movement! While being quizzed (or studying for a quiz) or working on memorization, some children like to pace, walk around, or simply stand up.
Try a little movement and see how your child responds.
7. Focus on the Positives
When you create a work station for your child, remember to focus on the positives! If something isn’t working — perhaps the first location was too busy — make a few adjustments and try again.
Some positive behavior to look for include:
• Following directions
• Staying on task
• Completing homework assignments
• Working quietly
Download Our Free Homeschool Schedule Template Packet
As you embark on your online journey with your kids, don’t forget to download our Home School Schedule Template Packet.
What’s in the bundle?
Included in the Home School Schedule Template bundle are printable checklists and schedules.
- Daily Routines and Schedules: The template pack incudes a daily routine chart that can be divided into sections based on activity or topic. Additional daily schedules for the morning, afternoon, and evening allows you to define expectations with your child so you are both on the same page throughout the day.
- Checklist and To-Dos: Not sure what a home school center should look like? Don’t worry, the packet includes a checklist of needed items and helpful tips for setup.
- Task List: Children with ADHD can easily become overwhelmed with complex projects or prioritizing a long list of to-dos. Use this form to help eliminate anxiety so that your child feels confident on how to start a project or prioritize their day.
Questions? We’re Just a Call or Click Away
At NextStep 4 ADHD, we’re happy to provide comprehensive care for ADHD — for you and your children. If your child has ADHD, we are happy to help you get the resources and education you need to make the your child’s school environment a successful one. Whether you’re interested in online 1:1 coaching, therapy for your child, or other services, we are here to guide you with your next steps. Give us a call or schedule your virtual appointment today.
Don’t forget to subscribe to our free newsletter so you can stay up-to-date with the latest news, events, and ADHD resources!
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Surviving Online Learning: A Guide for Parents (Plus, Homeschool Schedule Printables)
With schools around the country closing their doors, you might be worried about how your child will manage online learning. This is a huge change for many kids and families, and children with ADHD may struggle with this new transition. Shifting to an online school model can present new challenges for kids, including difficulty separating “home” time from “school” time.
Here at Next Step 4 ADHD, we are proud to offer support and tips to help you and your family, especially during this time of social isolation.
Keri Knight, LCSW has curated a list of several tips to help parents survive online learning with their children, so children with ADHD can adjust to online learning and thrive during this time.
6 Steps to Make Online Learning Easier
Whether you’re currently working at home or taking a break, shifting to online learning is still a big change. Thankfully, with a little planning, you can survive e-learning with your kids.
1. Name Your Expectations
First, make sure you know what is expected of your child each day. Then, make sure your child knows what the expectations are.
Teachers (and schools in general) have certain expectations for students as far as taking attendance by a certain time each day or establishing deadlines to turn in assignments, etc. Parents should make sure that they understand what is required of the child, especially for younger kids, and then make sure the child understands what is expected of him/her. This ensures that everyone is on the same page.
Things to consider:
- Can she sleep in as late as she wants?
- Will you check in with the teacher or will your child need to do that?
- What if siblings need to share the one computer? How will they work this out based on the requirements of the school/teacher?
- How long is your child expected to sit during “school time”? Expect that staying focused and not getting distracted while doing schoolwork from home is going to be difficult. Managing expectations can help parents not feel frustrated when things don’t go how they want them to.
- What time does your school start?
You can think of this step as creating your own “school rules.” Post your rules where everyone can see them.
2. Reach Out to Your Child’s Teacher
Communicate frequently with your child’s teacher. Don’t be afraid to reach out and ask questions. In fact, asking questions may help you overcome any obstacles quicker. Remember, this is new to teachers too so they will be happy to help you out.
3. Create a Structure
Think of a structure as a daily schedule. Whereas step 1 focused on school rules, step 3 focuses on a schedule.
If your child doesn’t have a specific schedule (from his or her teacher) to follow each day, it will be important that you create one and do your best to stick to it. We created a printable schedule to help you get started. Download the bundle here.
Tip: When creating a schedule for a child with ADHD, remember that every kid is different so their needs will be different as well.
- Include breaks in your schedule. Some children with ADHD may need more frequent breaks to move around so they can focus.
- Work in the afternoon if needed. Some children are night-owls and are more productive later in the evening than in the morning.
- Don’t neglect your morning routine. Many children may struggle to wake up and get out of bed on time. Their schedule may need to include a morning routine with lots of time to transition from sleeping to waking and then into schoolwork.
- Consider accommodations. If your child receives accommodations at school, these may need to be replicated at home. For example, if your child receives extra time on assignments at school, you may need to add extra time into the schedule for your child to complete assignments at home too.
- Include your children in the process. Have your child help you by offering suggestions. Giving your child a say will increase his or her buy-in, and they’ll be more likely to cooperate.
- Be specific. Children with ADHD do well with structures. For independent reading time, don’t write “read a book” on the schedule. Instead, break it down. Allot 3 minutes to choose a book, 2 minutes to get into the designated reading area, and 20 minutes for the actual reading.
4. Create the Right Environment
Your child’s school environment is important.
- Find or create a workspace that is conducive to working. Workspaces can include the dining room table, the kitchen counter (if you have an island or counter with seating), a desk in the living room, a lap desk on the couch, etc. Avoid working in a playroom or bedroom (if that’s where all of your child’s toys are). Seeing the toys can be visually distracting for your child.
- Eliminate distractions and clear any clutter. If your child is working on the table or counter, remove anything unrelated to school during school hours.
- Stay consistent. Having one place where they go to work each time can help increase their focus and trains their brain to know that when they’re sitting at their spot then it’s time to work.
Not being in a classroom setting can make it more difficult to focus and easier to get distracted. You may need to make things external, concrete, and tangible. For example, you could print out readings, try to use a physical textbook if possible (versus an e-book), write out their daily assignments on a checklist and post it on the wall for them to see.
5. Don’t Forget to Schedule Breaks
Work in regular breaks and move around after completing an assignment. Not only is this good for the body, it’s good for the brain too!
How many breaks you need to schedule will be vary. Every kid is different. You can even ask your child to guess how long they think they can sit down to complete an assignment. If they think they can sit for 20 minutes, then set a timer for 15 (just under what they think they can do). When the timer goes off, take a quick break (get a drink of water, go to the bathroom, etc.) and then come back and set the timer to work for another 15 minutes.
Another strategy is to take shorter, 2-minute breaks. During these mini breaks, have your child run in place, do jumping jacks or push-ups, or run outside to the mailbox and back. This gets the oxygen flowing and can help the brain to focus and can help with restlessness.
6. Establish a System
Once you have your rules and schedule established, you’ll need to create a system. A system ties everything together into one streamlined process. Each family’s system will look different, and that’s okay!
Systems can include:
- Making lists
- Creating folders for each subject on the computer (and storing all website links in each bookmarked folder on your computer)
- Using timers or other extra reminders to turn in assignments
- Using visible reminders with Post-It notes
Download Our Free Tools and Resources: Checklist + Schedule Bundle
As you embark on your online journey with your kids, don’t forget to download our Home School Schedule Template Packet.
What’s in the bundle?
Included in the Home School Schedule Template bundle are printable checklists and schedules.
Daily Routines and Schedules
Checklist and To-Dos
Questions? We’re Just a Call or Click Away
At NextStep 4 ADHD, we’re happy to provide comprehensive care for ADHD — for you and your children. If your child has ADHD, we are happy to help YOU get the resources and education you need to make the your child’s school environment a successful one. Whether you’re interested in online 1:1 coaching, therapy for your child, or other services, we are here to guide you with your next steps. Give us a call or send us a message to request more information.
Don’t forget to sign up for a membership so you can stay up-to-date with the latest news!
Learn More

9 Parenting Tips to Survive and Maybe Even Enjoy Social Isolation With Your Children
9 Strategies for Helping Your Child Thrive While They Are Out of School
Lower your expectations.
Close your eyes and picture what is most important to you as you consider these few weeks. Whether in terms of behavior or learning goals, keeping our goals in perspective might help you not get lost in the little power struggles that truly do not matter.
Practice encouragement.
This means to comment on effort, even if the effort is minimal or sporadic or even imaginary (e.g., when your child accidentally does something helpful). Say thanks for what your child does with the hope that they will do more of it simply because they know they can — and that it feels good to be capable.
Encouragement is highly effective in motivating kids to both sustain and increase their effort in the long run.
Relationships and cooperation go hand in hand.
When relationships are in a rut, it is near impossible to get children to cooperate and do what we ask of them. Spending time with your kids playing games, reading, talking, doing puzzles, even occasionally playing video games can do a lot to build connections and grow their willingness to listen and comply with what we ask of them.
Beware of rewards and bribes.
Extrinsic motivators (such as rewards) are not effective in the long run. Instead, teach kids to focus on doing things because of intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is what causes a person to do something because it is fun or personally rewarding. For example, a child may sweep the floor and feel a sense of accomplishment. That feeling (the instrinsic motivation) helps encourage a child to help out around the house.
Listen and make sure your child knows you are listening.
Being heard is important for all of us. If your child is upset or frustrated, state that you understand his or her concerns.
Be specific: “I understand that you are upset that it is time to turn off the TV and come to dinner” or “I understand that you are upset that your brother is in your space and distracting you.”
Simply feeling heard can often go a long way in preventing negative behaviors.
Beware of praise.
Praise teaches kids to do things our way and sometimes leaves them feeling that they are either “good” or “bad” or “capable” or “incapable”. Instead of praise, focus on encouragement. Encouragement focuses on effort —however small the effort is — and meets kids where they are. This encourages a willingness to try and fail … and ultimately grow. All we can ask for, as parents, is a willingness in our children to do what we ask them to do willingly and with the willingness to learn and grow.
Work with your children to create routines and plan for these weeks ahead.
Maybe every day will be the same, and your children strive on predictability and structure. Maybe you want to add some flexibility.
The goal should simply be to allow your children to make some choices and then help them stick to whatever routine or agreement is made.
Be kind and firm.
Remember that we as parents get the opportunity to model the behavior we most desire in our children. If we are kind, they are more likely to be kind. If we are patient, they are more likely to be patient. If we sit down instead of arguing with them, they are much less likely to act out and become frustrated or upset.
Remember that as we parent our children it is important to provide lots of opportunities for success AKA “do overs.”
If your child yells at you or is disrespectful, remember that if you yell and act like it is the end of the world, then your child will be unlikely to feel capable of acting any other way. If we instead respond with love and understanding without yelling ourselves, then your child may be willing to try again when calm.
Remember that one of the goals of parenting is to teach kids more effective strategies to deal with disappointment and life. You can do your child a huge service if you allow them a safe, loving environment to learn how to respectfully disagree and negotiate effectively. Simply by learning strategies to effectively be heard while also learning that they will not always get their way (and that the way they respond to that impacts their future) is truly a wonderful gift that parents can give their children.
There Might Be Rough Patches… But That’s Okay
One of the best things we can do for our children is to show them that we as parents make mistakes too. Model a willingness to make changes and take a minute to learn ourselves … for the greater good. When parents are willing to be “imperfect” and allow themselves to be vulnerable with their children (by acknowledging their part in whatever disagreement or struggle), kids learn that they, too, can take responsibility for their part without shame or fear and hopefully can begin working on actual solutions that can lead to much more peace and productivity.
What Am I Doing With My Kids?
About Dr. Kristi Briscoe
Dr. Kristi Briscoe is a pediatrician who has devoted her full career to caring for Children and Teens struggling with ADHD. Dr. Briscoe’s passion for treating ADHD stems from her personal experience as a parent in a home touched by ADHD. Dr. Briscoe understands the struggles that every parent faces while trying to raise a child with ADHD, and has engaged in extensive study in the treatments and parenting strategies that have been proven most effective for families seeking to help their child reach optimal potential in life. Her genuine concern for children, depth of knowledge, and ability to connect with both child and parent have earned her an excellent reputation in the local community. You can read her full biography here.

Does Your Child Have ADHD? Here Are 4 Surprising ADHD Symtpoms in Kids
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder — most often referred to simply as ADHD — is a mental health condition characterized by a combination of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness. ADHD affects over 9% of American children, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — that’s roughly 6 million children. About 4 million of those children are between the ages of 6 and 11.
ADHD affects more boys than girls (12.9% versus 5.6%), and difficulty paying attention in school is a prominent symptom, but it’s not the only symptom of ADHD in kids. [1] The condition may affect children in many different ways, which may make it difficult for parents to spot the signs of ADHD, especially in younger children.
Undiagnosed and untreated ADHD can negatively affect your child’s quality of life, especially his or her school performance. That’s why our health care professionals at NextStep 4 ADHD recommend you visit us as soon as you spot the signs or symptoms of ADHD in your child.
Continue reading to learn more about the common symptoms of ADHD in children — and how we can help.
What is ADHD?
ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects your child’s ability to focus and control impulses. [2] ADHD is not a lack of willpower to focus on the task at hand; instead, most experts believe the development of ADHD may be influenced by a child’s genes, the presence of toxins in his or her environment, brain injuries as well as subtle nuances in the hardwiring of his or her brain. [3]
Common Symptoms of ADHD in Kids
Children with ADHD are known for fidgeting or demonstrating disruptive behavior in school, but these are just two signs of ADHD. ADHD symptoms all fall under three categories:
- Inattention: These symptoms are related to the inability to maintain focus on a specific task.
- Hyperactivity: These symptoms are characterized by excess movements.
- Impulsivity: These are hasty actions that are performed without forethought.
Below is a sample of common symptoms that may affect children with ADHD:
- Becoming easily distracted during tasks, including school work
- Skipping the fine details, especially in the directions for homework or school projects
- Difficulty maintaining focus when speaking with others or holding conversations with teachers; inability to repeat back what you just said
- Self-focused behaviors such as interrupting the teacher
- Inability to wait for his or her turn in line or while playing a game
- Emotional symptoms, including increased outbursts (that are not age-appropriate) or increased temper tantrums
- Inability to sit still, including wiggling, fidgeting
- Difficulty playing quietly
- Increased careless mistakes on homework or schoolwork, not related to laziness
- Disorganization, including a messy desk at home or school
- Forgetfulness, including misplacing homework or favorite toys
4 Surprising Symptoms of ADHD in Kids
In addition to the above symptoms, ADHD can present itself in more surprising ways, symptoms that may — at first — seem unrelated to ADHD. These include bedwetting and daytime wetting, time blindness, and meltdowns.
Bedwetting and daytime accidents
While it’s normal for a child to have an occasional accident, daytime accidents are 4.7 times higher in children with ADHD. [4]
Time blindness
Time blindness is more than just poor management of time. This can manifest in many ways. A child may seem surprised and upset when it’s time to leave the park, even after a 5-minute warning. Time blindness can also affect a child’s ability to finish tests during the allotted time at school. It’s not that your child is ignoring you; he or she may not just perceive the passage of time in the same way as a neurotypical student.
Unlike a temper tantrum, a meltdown doesn’t seem to cease if a child gets what he was asking for. A meltdown is how your child reacts to feeling overwhelmed. Sensory overload can even trigger a flight-or-fight response, which leads to yelling, uncontrollable crying, and even lashing out towards you or others. It can be very difficult to calm down a child in this state.
Poor social skills
Untreated ADHD can have profound effects on a child’s school and social life. Because untreated ADHD can make it difficult for a child to read social cues, he or she may struggle to produce quality work and form meaningful relationships with classmates.
When to Worry about ADHD Symptoms in Kids
Daydreaming and even fidgeting can be normal experiences for kids, but if your child regularly experiences these symptoms — at home and school — it may be beneficial to schedule an evaluation for your child.
Remember, ADHD is treatable!
Holistic Treatment Options for Children with ADHD
If you notice any of these symptoms of ADHD in your children, don’t hesitate to reach out to the experienced team of psychiatrists, pediatricians, psychologists, therapists, coaches and healthcare professionals at Next Step 4 ADHD. Working with a coach or therapist can help things like time management, reducing the frequency of meltdowns, and improving social skills.
We treat ADHD with a holistic, 5-tier approach and provide:
- Assessment
- Education
- Coaching
- Support
- Medication, if needed
Regardless of what age your child is, treatment can help provide the relief your child needs.
Questions? We’re Just a Call or Click Away
At NextStep 4 ADHD, we’re happy to provide comprehensive care for ADHD — and you don’t have to wait weeks for an appointment. If you’re struggling with the symptoms of ADHD, visit one of our convenient Kentucky offices in Louisville and Lexington. Call the location of your choice, or send us a message to request more information.
You can also request an appointment easily here.
- What Is ADHD?, www.psychiatry.org/patients-families/adhd/what-is-adhd.
- “Data and Statistics About ADHD.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 15 Oct. 2019.
- “Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.” National Institute of Mental Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
- Tajima-Pozo, Kazuhiro, et al. “Treating Enuresis in a Patient with ADHD: Application of a Novel Behavioural Modification Therapy.” BMJ Case Reports, BMJ Publishing Group, 10 June 2014.

Parenting a Child with ADHD: 5 Tips for Peaceful Bedtime Routines
Bedtime can be one of the most challenging times for parents of children with ADHD. Evidence suggests that sleep problems are more common in children with ADHD. Parents frequently report problems, such as trouble falling asleep, anxiety and difficulty relaxing at bedtime, feeling unrefreshed after sleep, difficulty waking in the morning, and nightmares. Chronic insufficient sleep leads to children becoming overtired and a worsening of ADHD symptoms, including increased hyperactivity, impulsivity, aggression, and mood swings. As parents, there are several techniques that can be implemented to help decrease problematic sleep.
That’s why the ADHD coaches at NextStep 4 ADHD are happy to help parents navigate the challenges of raising a child with ADHD. From providing educational resources to sharing practical tips, our ADHD coaches are with you every step of the parenting journey.
In the meantime, continue reading to learn more about sleep and how the quality of sleep affects children living with ADHD.
Why Good Sleep Matters
Good sleep is more than just logging enough hours. A good night’s sleep refers to both the quality of sleep and the quantity of sleep.
Getting enough sleep plays a critical role in:
- Balancing your child’s mood
- Improved immune function [1]
- Energizing your child (physically and mentally)
- Reducing cortisol levels (the stress hormone)
- Cellular growth and repair
- Improved memory [2]
- Reduced risk of depression [3]
- Reduced risk of childhood obesity [4]
- Improved athletic performance [5]
Even though sleep is crucial for mental and physical well-being, it isn’t always easy to get kids to want to get to bed on time. Some kids may feel like bedtime forces them to miss out on exciting parts of the evening, but here are five tips to make this transition easier:
5 Tips for Making Bedtime Easier
Create consistent sleep-wake routines.
Research has found some evidence to suggest that children with ADHD do not produce enough melatonin, the body’s natural hormone to aid with sleep. Without enough melatonin, a child simply may not feel sleepy at bedtime. Some children may have delays in the timing of the release of melatonin. You can help regulate melatonin production in your child by creating consistent bedtimes and wake times — even on weekends. Because this helps to regulate the brain’s natural sleep rhythms and the release of melatonin, you’ll find that bedtimes get easier.
Establish a bedtime routine.
All children thrive on routines and structures, but children with ADHD need structure in order to function at their best. This is also true at bedtime.
One hour before bedtime:
Parents should start bedtime routines at least an hour before you desire your child to be asleep.
Children should be encouraged to:
- Take a relaxing bath (unless they bathe in the morning as part of wake-up routine)
- Brush their teeth
- Get a small drink of water
- Use the bathroom
- Get into pajamas
Two hours before bedtime:
Children with ADHD need longer, darker, and quieter bedtime routines in order to relax and prepare for sleep compared to other children. Children with ADHD benefit from quiet activities, such as reading, rather than more stimulating activities. All electronic devices, such as phones, tablets, and televisions, should be shut off at least an hour (preferably two) before bedtime. (This is because blue screens can affect the circadian rhythm.) Parents should dim the lights and encourage quiet activities. Some children benefit from reading time with their parent. Not only is this soothing, but it’s a great way to bond!
Drown out ambient noise and light.
Children with ADHD are easily distracted by extraneous noise and light, even when trying to sleep. Use of a white noise machine or a fan to drown out noise can be beneficial if regular household noises are keeping your child awake. Light in the bedroom during sleep time should be limited to a small nightlight.
Consider a weighted blanket.
Children with ADHD have higher incidences of both Restless Leg Syndrome and Periodic Limb Movement Disorder. Restless Leg Syndrome causes discomfort and leads to voluntary movement, and Periodic Limb Movement Disorder is characterized by involuntary movements of the limbs during sleep. Both are associated with poor sleep.
Additionally, some children with ADHD struggle with anxiety at bedtime. Weighted blankets may provide physical and emotional comfort by providing pressure on the body, much like a hug.
Talk to your doctor if sleep difficulties continue.
There are many supplements and medications that may be beneficial to help your child sleep.
Questions? We Are Here to Help!
At NextStep 4 ADHD, we’re happy to provide comprehensive treatment for ADHD for children. To learn more, schedule an appointment at one of our convenient Kentucky offices in Louisville and Lexington. Call the location of your choice, or send us a message to request more information.
Don’t forget to sign up for a membership so you can stay up-to-date with the latest news!
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8621064
- http://learnmem.cshlp.org/content/11/6/671
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16259539
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2398753/
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21731144

ADHD Diet: What We Eat & Why It Matters If You Have ADHD
We all know that it’s important to eat healthy foods, but did you know that good nutrition can make a huge difference in the management of ADHD symptoms? A poor diet can make anyone feel sluggish, distracted, and even depressed. [1] Add ADHD to the mix, and it is easy to see how a low-nutrition diet can intensify the daily challenges of living with ADHD. Many people find that incorporating nutrition-rich foods into their lifestyle greatly improves troublesome symptoms of ADHD.
That’s why the ADHD coaches at NextStep 4 ADHD are happy to help you navigate the challenges of establishing a nutrient-dense ADHD-friendly diet. From creating time-saving meal prep strategies to eliminating unhealthy food choices, our coaches are with you every step of the way.
In the meantime, continue reading to learn more about nutrition and how it affects those living with ADHD.
Why Good Nutrition Matters
You are what you eat. You’ve heard the saying, but have you ever really thought about it? What you eat can energize, provide essential nutrients, and power all of the major functions of your body.
What you eat and the quality of what you eat has a profound effect on your body. This is why runners often eat a carb-heavy meal before a run; because they know carbohydrates provide energy for the body. The opposite is also true. Poor nutrition impacts the body, too. For example, studies show that diets high in sugar tend to increase cravings and feelings of hunger. [2]
Here are a few benefits of a well-balanced, nutrient dense diet. Good nutrition:
- Can improve brain function
- Can increase energy levels and motivation
- Promotes general good health
- Can enhance your mood
- Can help you maintain a healthy weight
- Can help control symptoms of ADHD [3]
- Can improve sleep habits
- Balances blood sugar levels, which affect all of the above
The takeaway: good nutrition is important for a healthy mind and body, and in the next section, we’ll explore how ADHD can impact your food habits.
How ADHD Can Impact Food Habits
If you struggle with impulsivity or time blindness, you might be tempted to grab a fast meal, and unfortunately, “fast” isn’t always healthy. This isn’t the only way that ADHD can impact food habits. Below is a list of common ADHD symptoms and how those untreated symptoms can impact food habits.
Forgetfulness is a common ADHD symptom, and it can increase the likelihood that you forget to go shopping for food or even forget to eat. When you realize how hungry you are, you may then make desperate, unhealthy food choices.
If you’re feeling hungry, you might reach for whatever looks appealing in the moment.
Emotional regulation and stress tolerance
If you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed, you’re more likely to engage in emotional or binge eating. According to the American Psychological Assocation, 38% of adults report stress eating as a way to cope with high stress levels.
Lack of Planning/Prioritization
Planning can be difficult for those with ADHD, and difficulty planning can affect what you eat as well. This may create challenges with:
- Planning shopping trips
- Meal planning
- Setting aside time to prepare healthy meals
In addition, difficulty planning can make it hard to come up with a realistic plan to improve eating habits.
The notion of procrastination is nothing new. It’s been discussed in literature dating back to Ancient Greece! [4] However, procrastinating can make it easy to put off the goal of improved nutrition.
Reduced Appetite
Stimulant medication may reduce your appetite. [5] While a reduced appetite can help prevent overeating (simply because you’re less hungry), a reduced appetite can work against optimal nutrition. If a reduced appetite results in skipping meals, it can make it challenging to consume adequate daily nutrients.
A Balanced ADHD Diet
A balanced ADHD diet looks a lot like a diabetes-friendly diet. Why? Because controlling blood sugar levels is beneficial in countless ways.
Have you ever waited too long between meals and gotten a headache, felt shaky, had brain fog, or become irritable? That’s an indication that your blood sugar levels have dropped to the point of causing physical symptoms. Time to listen to your body and eat! Better yet, plan ahead to avoid blood sugar crashes. By the time you experience symptoms, your body is going to crave simple carbohydrates to quickly raise your blood sugar levels. You likely won’t be reaching for broccoli at this point.
Maintaining healthy blood sugar levels helps to stabilize many symptoms of ADHD and can increase the likelihood of sticking with a high-nutrition diet.
A healthy diet is as much about what you eat as what you don’t eat. A balanced ADHD diet should include:
- Protein with every meal
- Vegetables and/or fruit with every meal
- Healthy fats like omega 3 fatty acids
- Fiber
It’s important to avoid:
- Processed foods
- High-sugar foods
- Artificial sweeteners
- Artificial dyes & preservatives
In addition to avoiding unhealthy additivies, avoid an attitude of deprivation – focus on incorporating healthy foods you love!
It may seem like a big task to overall your diet, but it can be done. Like all endeavors, remember that all journeys start with just one step.
But How Can You Improve Your Diet?
Keep these tips in mind:
- Start small. Consider focusing on one meal of the day. Maybe you want to start eating a healthy breakfast, packing a lunch for work, or learning some healthy recipes for dinner. Whatever it is, decide how many days per week you could do this, and make a plan.
- Before you start, go shopping. All the good intentions in the world can’t override a hungry stomach and nothing to eat but junk food. Make sure that you always have healthy food choices on hand, both at home and at work.
- Consider finding a friend or coworker (or coach!) who will start on a healthy eating plan with you. This adds in a layer of accountability and encouragement.
- Don’t stress over perceived failures. Establishing new habits takes time. It’s normal to fall back to old, easy eating patterns on your road to healthier eating. Just press restart on your healthier choices that same day. Keep at it, and your “fall-backs” will happen less often.
- Make it fun! Find ways to encourage yourself. Research recipes, try new foods, talk with a “foodie” friend who can give you some tips. Make your mealtime aesthetically pleasing – put on some music, clear the table of clutter, sit down and truly enjoy your food.
- Celebrate every small victory. Acknowledge your efforts as well as your successes. This not only feels good and encouraging, but it actually increases the chances of repeating the positive behavior. If you want to succeed with your healthy eating plan, be willing to treat yourself like a good friend.
Ready to Give Your Diet a Makeover? We’re Just a Call or Click Away
At NextStep 4 ADHD, we’re happy to provide 1:1 coaching for ADHD — and you don’t have to make the trip into our office. If you’re struggling to eat a well-balanced diet, we offer online ADHD coaching via telecoaching, coaching over the phone, or in-person coaching in our convenient Kentucky offices in Louisville and Lexington. Call the location of your choice, or send us a message to request more information.
Don’t forget to sign up for a membership so you can stay up-to-date with the latest news!
- Pelsser, Lidy M., Klaas Frankena, Jan Toorman, Huub F. Savelkoul, Anthony E. Dubois, Rob Rodrigues Pereira, Ton A. Haagen, Nanda N. Rommelse, and Jan K. Buitelaar. “Effects of a Restricted Elimination Diet on the Behaviour of Children with Attention-deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (INCA Study): A Randomised Controlled Trial.” The Lancet, vol. 377, no. 9764, 2011, pp. 494-503.
- Penaforte, Fernanda Ro, et al. “Short-Term Impact of Sugar Consumption on Hunger and Ad Libitum Food Intake in Young Women.” Nutrition Research and Practice, The Korean Nutrition Society and the Korean Society of Community Nutrition, Apr. 2013.
- Pelsser, Lidy M. J., et al. “A Randomised Controlled Trial Into the Effects of Food on ADHD.” European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, vol. 18, no. 1, 2008, pp. 12–19., doi:10.1007/s00787-008-0695-7.
- https://www.psychologicalscience.org/observer/why-wait-the-science-behind-procrastination
- Jeffers, Amy J, and Eric G Benotsch. “Non-Medical Use of Prescription Stimulants for Weight Loss, Disordered Eating, and Body Image.” Eating Behaviors, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Aug. 2014, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25064292.